Its for that very reason that Matthew had $350 in his bank account when he died. Steve and I were recently discussing closing his bank account and of course the decision of what to do with the money came up.
I immediately recalled the day a few weeks after he was diagnosed when we learned of another girl at his school who was diagnosed with cancer. She was being treated in Spokane and the school was coordinating a fundraiser for their family. Matthew asked if he could donate all of his money to the girls fundraiser.
For those of us who knew Matthew, that isn't surprising. He was a very generous, thoughtful boy. Steve and I both agreed that Matthew would want his money to go to another child battling cancer. I reached out to the Child Life Specialist at Kadlec (where Matthew received his chemo at home) and asked her if there was a child who might need a pick-me-up. She immediately said yes, that there was a little girl who could use some fun and gave us some of her "likes." We took it from there and hit the stores.
Tomorrow we get to deliver this to her at the hospital! I know in my heart that Matthew will be with us when we go to visit her and I know beyond a doubt that he would approve of our decision. I can't wait to see the expression on her face when she sees her gift.
With Matthew in my Heart, Nikki